Taking a Vacation When You Have a Homestead

What is the best time to take a vacation? Finding that perfect time window can be challenging when you have a homestead. 

This usually means sacrificing their vacation time for something else for many people. However, you can take care of your homestead without too much stress with some planning and self-care in place! 

Many people choose to take their vacations when school is out in the summer, but other times of the year can be just as wonderful for a vacation. 

If you have livestock or crops, you will need to arrange for someone else to care for them while you’re away. Ask friends or family members if they would be willing to do this. 

You’ll need to follow if you want to take a break from your home life while still making sure everything runs smoothly.

Taking a Vacation When You Have a Homestead

1. Why taking a break from your homestead is important

It can be easy to get caught up in the day-to-day tasks of running a home and homestead, and before you know it, you haven’t taken a break in months. While there’s certainly nothing wrong with being dedicated to your work, it’s also essential to take some time for yourself. 

You will come back to your work refreshed and with new ideas. There are several reasons why taking a break from your homestead is essential. 

For one, it gives you a chance to recharge your batteries. When you’re constantly working, it can be hard to maintain your energy levels – and that can lead to overall burnout. 

Taking a break allows you to step away from your work and relax; when you return, you’ll be more motivated than ever to continue what you’ve been doing. Additionally, taking a vacation allows you to explore other aspects of life. 

Sure, running a homestead is exciting and fulfilling, but it can also be limiting if you don’t get out and experience different things. A break gives you the chance to do just that – explore new places, meet new people, and learn new things. 

2. The process of finding someone to care for your homestead

The process of finding someone to care for your home while you are away can be difficult. A lot of work goes into making sure it’s done well, and if something happens when you’re gone, there could be serious consequences. 

Be clear about what tasks need to be completed, get references from past clients. Ask friends or family members who live nearby if they would mind stopping by every once in a while to make sure everything looks good on the outside (this makes it easy because all they have to do is check up on things without having access to your house.)

If possible, find someone like relatives who live nearby, so you know there is always at least one person checking for someone to water the plants or take care of any different needs.

Put together a detailed list of what needs to be done each day, what supplies will need to be purchased, and when they should be brought in. Make sure they have access to your home (either through a key or code) so that whoever is watching it can get in if needed. 

3. How to plan for unexpected emergencies that may come up

Taking care of your animals is always essential, but when you are away from home for an extended period, it can be even more challenging to ensure that they have all the needed supplies and attention. 

You may also find yourself in a situation where there is some sort of emergency with one or more of them while you are gone. When there are significant issues with an animal, you can do a few things to ensure your animals get the care they need. 

First of all, if you know which veterinarian in your area is available for emergencies after hours and on weekends, it would be wise to have some medications overnight just in case something happens while you are away or immediately after you return home. 

You should also give this veterinary office a call before heading out to know what types of situations may arise. It doesn’t hurt to check up on their availability either way, though, because sometimes vets take time off unexpectedly due to sick family members or vacations themselves. 

Suppose an emergency involves surgery, then you will want another option for overnight housing for any livestock involved until you get back home. 

4. Planning for the Livestock and Garden

Planning for the livestock and garden is essential when taking a vacation. Make sure to have someone you trust who can care for them while away. If possible, try to stagger your vacation so that someone can always be at home to take care of things. If you’re going on a long trip, make sure to stock up on food and water for your animals. 

You don’t want them running out of food or water while you’re gone! The same goes for your garden; make sure there are enough mulch and soil amendments to last until you get back. 

If there is no one available to take care of your homestead while you’re away, consider boarding your animals or hiring a lawn service. This may cost more than you want to spend, but it can be well worth having your animals or garden tended to. 

You can stay in a hotel or continue living on the homestead while you’re away if this is the best option for everyone involved. Also, make sure to have a plan in place for what you will do with your animals and garden when you get back.

5. Tips on what to do when returning home after a vacation

Maintain a close eye on your animals and ensure they have adequate water, food, and shelter. Check to see that they have everything they need and that everything is in proper working order. 

Take a quick walk around your property to ensure that nothing has been altered or damaged. As you walk through your garden or homestead, gather any ripe produce that has fallen to the ground. 

Allow yourself to relax after a long day of tending to the homestead’s needs and its inhabitants. Having one is essential! Reading a book, spending time with family and friends, and other similar activities are examples of relaxing activities. 

Having a homestead has its advantages (and disadvantages, depending on how you look at it), one of which is that it can be difficult to take vacations when you live on it.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I take care of the animals while on vacation?

You can take the animals with you or arrange for someone to come and feed them. If you do not have anyone who can help take care of the livestock while away, some options will allow you to enjoy a vacation without worrying about what is happening on the homestead.

What should you feed your chickens during a long absence?

You should feed your chickens a balanced scratch diet, laying pellets, and fresh fruits and vegetables. If you’re gone for more than a week, you may also want to leave them some feed in a feeder so they can continue to eat while you’re away.

Will my garden survive without me?

Your garden will survive without you, but it may not thrive. If you are gone for an extended period, consider asking a neighbor or friend to water your plants. You can also install an automatic irrigation system or use self-watering containers to ensure your plants get the water they need.


Now that you have some ideas about making your next trip more homestead-friendly, you can begin planning. Keep in mind that it may take longer than a traditional vacation might take to complete the tasks on your list, but if you’re relaxed when you get home, then it was well worth it! 

Also, don’t forget that your home itself is a vacation spot as well! You can always invite friends and family over or travel with them. Once you’ve gotten the hang of this, taking vacations when you have a homestead will be second nature to you!

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