If you live on a homestead, you should check out this list because there are several incredible things to look at to consider implementing into your kingdom.

Homesteading is one of the best ways to live. It provides our food, water, and in some cases, it can be our livelihood and a home for our family.
To get the very most out of it, there are a few super neat things you should take a look at to consider supplementing your homestead.
There are two main concepts here, functional and non-functional, which can lead to new possibilities for you.
I’ve spent a lot of my time off-grid, and trust me, many of these ideas are going to make your life much more tranquil on the stead.
I invite you to try more than one because they each have their purpose; I’m sure you’ve heard “Don’t knock it until you try it” before. Let’s take a look at them now.
25 Amazing Homestead Ideas
1: Horses
Horses are amazing animals to have on any homestead. Sure, they cost a little money to take care of, but if you’ve never had one yourself, I’m here to tell you that it’s fantastic. Horses are very kind, majestic animals and are perfect for the kids, or simply to ride around and explore the land with.
2: Greenhouse
Greenhouses are used for a few reasons, but the number one reason is so crops can be grown, even during the cooler months. It works by blocking out the cool air from the outside while also retaining the sun rays, allowing them to be transferred through and passed to the crops.
3: Wood Burning Stove
I’ve used a wood-burning stove for the majority of my life, and many others have too. They’re pretty simple to operate. You just throw some wood in, such as oak, start it up, and let it leave you feeling toasty. They can also be utilized to cook various stews as well.
4: Herb Garden
I am huge on the idea of staying as natural as possible in all aspects of life, and this holds true for gardening as well. You could plant garlic or ginger, or a plethora of other herbs that can fight colds, infections, and more. I believe it’s a must-do on all homesteads.
5: Rainwater Harvesting
The most sought after way of sourcing water on a homestead is by harvesting the water that Mother Nature gives us. This can be done by using a rainwater harvesting system. These redirect the water from the roof into a storage barrel, filtered, and then used.
6: Beekeeping
If you want a tasty and sweet golden treat, then you could consider having a few beehives. They’re easy to manage, and if you have enough of them, you can quite literally retire. Nevertheless, beehives make for great additions to any homestead. As an added bonus, local honey helps with allergies.
7: Root Cellar
There are several ways to preserve food, but one of those ways is by using a root cellar. They’re much easier to build than you think, and they make for great storm shelters if one is ever needed. It’s certainly not as trendy as other food preservation methods, though. I consider this a hidden gem; it’s worth trying out.
8: Washing Clothes
If you want a super-easy way to wash and dry your clothes, then there are a few excellent means to do this. You could simply wash in a bucket or consider washing in a manual washing machine. Drying them can be done by line hanging or by sitting them near a wood-burning stove, just be careful.
9: Chickens
One of the best livestock animals to have on a homestead is chickens. They can provide eggs, which can be eaten or sold. Plus, if you breed them, they can be used for food. They’re straightforward to raise and typically do not require much room. Rhode Island Reds are one of the best for a homestead, as they lay very often and have lots of meat on their bones.
10: Make A Fish Pond
If you like to fish, then installing a small pond is a fantastic idea. Fish ponds aren’t hard to make, and they make for a tremendous aesthetic to any homestead. You’ll need to give it some time to settle after digging it, but this doesn’t take long. This way, you can put some bass or catfish in and have a fish fry whenever you’d like.
11: Build An Outhouse
Gone are the days of requiring to go outside and enter another building to use the john — for most people. Guess what? We’re not most people. Outhouses are very easy to build. You just need a shelter placed over a hole; that’s it. This will save you from installing an interior bathroom, which takes space, costs money, and uses up your water supply.
12: Get A Guard Dog
If you have many costly tools or equipment on your homestead, then adopting a guard dog will protect it from being stolen. Plus, a guard dog can protect your livestock from animal predators, such as coyotes. I’d recommend a Caucasian Shepherd, Kangal, or Rottweiler, as these are large dogs capable of defending from most threats.
13: Go Solar
If you want to have energy on your homestead, then perhaps consider going solar. Solar panels aren’t as costly as you may think, and they’re easily installed. They operate by transferring energy from the sun into battery banks. This will give you power for heating, cooling, hot water, and the ability to use power tools or cooking appliances.
14: Have Goats
Goats are one of the most popular livestock animals to have on a homestead. They can be used as a source for milk and cheese. Also, they love to eat grass, which may cut down on the need to maintain some areas of your property.
15: Build A Stone Oven
Homesteading comes with its challenges, and one of those is cooking. If you want an easy, proven way to cook food, build a stone oven—these result in an evenly cooked food heated by wood, allowing for a delicious meal afterward.
16: Build A Food Storage Area
If you plan on preserving a lot of food, then you should consider building a food storage area. It should be dark, calm, and away from any moisture. This way, you can easily keep all of your food organized, safe from potential contaminants, and ready to go when it’s needed.
17: Start a Milk Farm
If you want to have access to fresh milk, then starting a milk farm may be just what you want. It’s not entirely difficult to get started. If you play your cards appropriately, it could even turn into a nice income. You’ll need a few acres, though, depending on how many you have, and in some cases, much more than that.
18: Plant Fruit Trees
There are several kinds of fruit trees, such as oranges, but there are also trees such as pecan trees and hazelnut. Sure, it’s not going to make you wealthy, but it will undoubtedly supplement you and could be used for jams, pies, or preserved for later use.
19: Build A Shooting Range
If you plan to have a few firearms, then you’re going to need somewhere to target practice. Sure, you could visit a local range, but since you have your piece of land, why not just build it there? It doesn’t need to be fancy; a few targets will do just fine.
20: Install Security Cameras
You’re likely going to have many expensive tools and equipment around, and you’ll want to protect them. This is why I recommend installing security cameras. Some kinds are motion-activated, which will save on power and catch any thieves attempting to access your property.
21: Farm Peafowl
Some of the most beautiful birds you can buy are peacocks and peafowl. These birds are easy to raise and add excellent athletics to a homestead. Their eggs, when sold, can net you up to a hundred dollars or more, depending on the breed. They don’t require any more room than turkeys do either, which isn’t commonly known.
22: Build A Smokehouse
If you’re wanting to preserve your food by curing and smoking, or you simply love smoked meats, then a smoker may be just what you need. They’re straightforward to build and typically only require a few essential building pieces, such as wood, bricks, and stainless smoking racks.
23: Buy A Wood Splitter
If one thing is for sure, you’re probably going to be cutting a lot of firewood during the colder months. You can save energy and time if you invest in a wood splitter, which splits firewood pieces for you. They’re a little pricey, but you’ll be one hundred percent faster. It’ll turn a 16 hour day into a 4 hour one; they indeed are that helpful.
24: Rent Out Land
If you have an area suitable for horseback riding activities, consider renting the land to be ridden on. I’ve known some people to do this and charge over a hundred per day, so this could net you a pretty penny. Perhaps you could rent out an acre of the land for an individual to place a few horses in as well.
25: Build A Workshop
Lastly, homesteading is probably going to call for a lot of projects that require clean shops to be built in. A workshop will give you an area to keep your tools out of the weather while also keeping them all organized. Since you’re off-grid, try to make it open and perhaps add a few skylights to allow more light in.
Open Questions About Homesteading
How Expensive Is Homesteading?
Homesteading can be as expensive or cheap as you make it to be. The only thing that you may not have full control over is the land.
If you stay smart, you can start a homestead for less than ten thousand dollars; and, in some cases, even cheaper.
You’ll need to build the home, start a garden, and perhaps add in livestock. Then, you’ll need a water source and, if you’d like, a power source too.
Can I Make Money Homesteading?
If you’d like to make a living on your homestead or perhaps just want a side income, then it’s entirely possible to do so.
There are many ways to make an income, such as beekeeping, gardening, and livestock farming.
You could breed goats and sell them, or raise and sell chickens, for example. Beekeeping alone could net you a five-figure income if you have enough hives.
How Much Land Do I Need?
This is a super commonly asked question, and I don’t blame you for asking. It can be confusing how much land you need for homesteading.
For a regular homestead, a garden, a few chickens or goats, and a smaller home, an acre will do, which may surprise you.
However, if you plan to have cows, horses, or other larger animals, you’ll need 5 to 10 plus acres at the very least.
There are many ways to homestead, and picking a route isn’t always as easy as we’d want it to be. There are several ideas that I’ve listed here that may make your life easier if implemented.
Whether it be a smokehouse for curing and smoking beef or even starting a greenhouse, they’ll undoubtedly make for great additions to any homestead.
It can be challenging to run a homestead, so make it fun. It’s not always about being serious. Try a few things like horseback riding to add a bit of fun to the stead.
Beekeeping is one of the best passive additions, so if I were to recommend just one of my suggestions, it’d be honey bees; they can make you money, provide honey, candy, and more.
Finally, I’d recommend trying more than a few of my recommendations because diversity is excellent on a homestead.